Alex Goldwater Apps

Electronics World 4.5
Electronics World is a technical engineeringmagazine aimed at professional design engineers. Its content andstyle require readers to have formal training in electronics.The editorial of Electronics World covers the full range ofelectronic industry activities including technology, systems,components, development tools, test, software andinstrumentation.Electronics World informs, educates and advises by supplyingreaders with sufficient engineering detail to enable them tounderstand developments in the electronics industry as a route totheir design problem solutions.Most of the features are contributed by leading engineers andacademics in the field who draw on the engineering resources andknowledge base of leading edge companies and organisations, as wellas their own projects.
Electrical Review 4.5
Electrical Review is the UK's leading titlefor electrical engineers, covering sectors including powergeneration and distribution, factory automation, renewable energy,building services and power quality. The title started life in 1872as the Telegraphic Journal, and has been informing the electricalindustry for 140 years. The magazine is read by electricalengineers, OEMS, major electrical contracting firms, consultants,manufacturers and specifying engineers.
European Communications 4.5
European Communications is a B2B titlethatserves senior managers of network operators and theirsupplierswith news, exclusive interviews and insightful features inprint,online and across social media.Comprising a quarterly magazine, a website and adedicatedTwitter feed (@eurocomms), European Communications coversthelatest developments in telco strategy, such as partneringwithdigital players, improving customer experience and exploitingnewgrowth areas of M2M, Big Data and fibre broadband.European Communications is fully independent and 100percenteditorially led so you are guaranteed to read impartialanalysis ofthe industry’s important trends.European Communications also runs a range of bespoke seminarsforthe telecoms community. These half-day events bringtogetheroperators, vendors, analysts and other interested thirdparties todiscuss best practice of current hot topics.For over 20 years, European Communications has been aleadingvoice in the telecoms sector and today provides its readerswiththe knowledge they need to prosper in this exciting yetchallengingindustry.
Image Reports 4.5
Welcome to the brand new tablet editionofImage Reports, the go-to information resource dedicated tothosewho produce and sell wide-format digital print. Our printanddigital platforms present to business owners anddeveloperscontinually updated information to aid decision-making ineverydaybusiness practice, strategic planning andbest-practiceimplementation via news, features, interviews anddebates, andindependent research projects into the state of thewide-formatinkjet sector. Our sister project, Think Bigger, helpsto grow thissector by getting wide-format print possibilities infront ofcreatives with the aim of inspiring greater and moreinnovative useof the medium.
Mobile Europe 3.0.0
Welcome to the brand new tablet editionofMobile Europe, the leading B2B title providing independentwireless technology news and features to the telecoms industry.Thistablet edition features exclusivecontent, including video interviews, picture galleries andnewresearch that you cannot get via our bimonthlymagazine or on our website ( CTOs and technicalmanagers of mobile operators and their suppliers, Mobile Europehasfor over 15 years covered thewireless sector for its global readership